It was a busy weekend for the GCW youth coaches with U16 and U14 girls’ events on. On Saturday a new look girls U16 squad travelled to Glenalmond College in Perthshire to take part in the Scottish Hockey Festival. There were nine teams in total and the squad were captained by Becky Sinclair.
First game up was against Gullane who had already defeated Stirling 4-0 before our girls hit the pitch. GCW started nervy but soon got into their stride and were maybe a little unlucky not to get the decisive goal but the stalemate continued and the match ended 0-0. Game two was against Stirling Wanderers and GCW dominated the match pressurising the opposition in their half and winning corners. The result was 3-0 with corner goals from Jess Freeman, Ava Black and a rebound from either Rachel Ewen or Esme Harrison no one was really too sure.
This meant GCW would then go onto play CALA and Western Wildcats. Sadly both games finished 1-0 against. In both matches the girls had more than enough chances to score but it was not to be. A good sunny day out and some new youngsters stepping into the age group so a good day all round.
Sunday saw the North U14 girls 8 a side competition at ASV with the top two sides qualifying to go to Peffermill, Edinburgh on Saturday 11th June. The 11th is apparently the same day as some Harry? dude is playing in Glasgow so a challenge in logistics especially as the big event that day is the GCW 20th Anniversary ball.
The good news was that the GCW A squad qualified without losing a game, finishing second on goals scored, Special mention goes to young Edie Angus who stepped up to the main team and to Anna Goodbrand for a fine save late in the final game to keep her record of conceding no goals on the day. GCW also had a much younger squad playing in the B group and the youngsters, self-named “chuckies” (small pieces of Granite) surprised themselves by losing one game and winning two matches to finish second in their group.
A great weekend and thanks to all the volunteers and parents who were able to get the youngsters out to enjoy their competitions.
Late news I believe his name is Harry Styles and he is looking for a ticket to watch the GCW teams play in Edinburgh.(?)